Hajj Oasis
Hajj Oasis
Name of Project: Hajj Oasis
Year: 2010
Location: Jordan- Ma’an
Client: Ma’an Development Company, Sub-contract by Consolidated Consultants
Main Project Features:
Hajj Oasis is one of the four clusters comprising the Ma’an Development Area. Its development is meant to offer temporary accommodation and various services to pilgrims on their way to Mecca and back for Hajj and Omrah. The 200 Dunum site is on the Desert Highway (11) km north of Ma’an City. The project’s main features are a Hotel, Commercial Facilities (Restaurants, Petrol Station, and Shops), Civic Facilities, Administration Facilities, a Mosque, Tents, a Sewage Treatment Plant, an Elevated Water Tank, and underground Reservoirs.
20 hectares (200 dunum= 200’000 m2).